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Motor Insurance
Motor Insurance
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Our motor plans can be customized to fit your needs

Maritime offers a wide range of motor plans to suit your needs. You could go with comprehensive coverage from third party fire and theft, or add on auto-max for extra protection!

We all know how important our vehicles are to us but when you need auto insurance, there's more than just savings at stake. You deserve peace of mind and that is what Maritime offers with their comprehensive coverage.

Third Party Fire and Theft

Third party, fire and theft insurance covers you for any damage caused to a third party or their property if you are involved in an incident, while also covering your own car if it's damaged by fire or stolen

Third Party

The third party policy provides cover for bodily injury or damage to Third Parties or their property in cases where the insured or the authorised user of the vehicle is negligent.

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Our motor plans can be customized to fit your needs

Maritime offers a wide range of motor plans to suit your needs. You could go with comprehensive coverage from third party fire and theft, or add on auto-max for extra protection!

We all know how important our vehicles are to us but when you need auto insurance, there's more than just savings at stake. You deserve peace of mind and that is what Maritime offers with their comprehensive coverage.

Third Party Fire and Theft

Third party, fire and theft insurance covers you for any damage caused to a third party or their property if you are involved in an incident, while also covering your own car if it's damaged by fire or stolen

Third Party

The third party policy provides cover for bodily injury or damage to Third Parties or their property in cases where the insured or the authorised user of the vehicle is negligent.