Simple Tips to Improve Self-Discipline

Tips to Improve Self-Discipline

Self-discipline can transform your life; studies show that self-discipline helps us to be healthier, more financially stable, more productive, more successful, and even happier in our relationships. But let’s be real: it’s not always easy to stay on track. It can be easy to say that you’ll be more disciplined… tomorrow. Maybe you’ve been feeding […]

Level Up To Grow Your Career

Level Up To Grow Your Career

A constantly changing world requires us to adapt our approach to our careers as well.  Nowadays, it’s no longer enough to simply have a job. We should all strive to grow our careers and strive to be the best versions of ourselves in terms of our professional development. Here are five ways to level up […]

How Having An Accountability Partner Can Help You Achieve Your Goals

Accountability Partner

We all have goals. And yet, according to the University of Scranton, a staggering 92% of people fail to achieve their resolutions. Why do so many fail? Often, it’s because we know what we want to do – we want to write a book, we want to own our own home, we want to start […]

Start The New Year Positively: How To Let Go Of Limiting Beliefs

Start the New Year Positively

Many of us start the new year with resolutions. And yet, statistics show that only 19% of us successfully achieve our goals. Common resolutions include health– related goals, quitting bad habits or attaining personal or professional milestones. However, unless you transform your mindset, it will be hard to achieve these – or any other – […]

COVID-19 Year 3: How To Cope With Pandemic Fatigue

How to cope with pandemic fatigue

Cast your mind back to the start of the pandemic. Many of us braced for temporary hardship before a return to normal. Few would have imagined that 2022 would have seen us entering The Pandemic: Year 3. Now, many of us may be experiencing pandemic fatigue. Pandemic fatigue is exactly what it sounds like – […]

What to do when you’re stuck in a rut?

What to do when you’re stuck in a rut

  Every day feels the same. You want to get things done but you just haven’t got the motivation. You’re tired all the time. You fantasize about a major life change. But… you just keep doing the same things and feeling the same way – miserable. Sounds like you’re stuck in a rut. And this […]

How Important is Vacation?

How Important is Vacation?

  It’s 2021. We’re still in the midst of a pandemic, work from home may mean that we never really leave ‘our office’ and we can’t travel. So that means we should skip our vacation, right? Actually, it means that taking a vacation from your job is more important than ever before. “A good vacation […]

Parenting in a Pandemic

Parenting in a Pandemic

  By now, many of us are adapting to a ‘new normal’, which would have been unimaginable six months ago. Many parents have had to become teachers, all the while working their regular jobs under unusual and often stressful circumstances. Now, some parents are returning to the office, while their children are still home from […]

How to look after your Mental Health in Stressful Situations

Mental Health in Stressful Situations

  Hi. How are you feeling? If you’re like many of us, you’re suffering from stress and anxiety associated with COVID-19. As a country – and as citizens of the world – we need to continue working to flatten the curve. But we also need to take care of our mental health. There are many […]

Tips to prevent getting Covid-19 and the Common Cold

Tips to prevent getting Covid-19

  There’s common cold season. And then there’s COVID-19 + common cold season. COVID-19 is in the news every day. But the regular cold hasn’t gone away. When it comes to any illness, we believe in the motto ‘prepare, don’t panic’. Often, preparations involve rethinking your hygiene habits and doing things you should have been […]

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