Planning your Kids’ Financial Future

A savings plan is important – but we’d like to advise you to look beyond the savings account.
Picking your Investment Style

Many assume that investing is for rich men or a fast track to losing all of their money. Let’s look at some ways that investing can work for everyone.
What to Consider When Buying a Home

It’s that time – you’re ready to become a homeowner. You’re excited. But also, scared. Will you make the right decisions??? The most important thing to remember is you’re not alone.
Let’s Talk About Life Insurance

Life insurance is a gift of love for the people you leave behind. When you’re no longer around to provide for your family, life insurance can help ease the financial burden.
Five Ways to Invest $15,000 Dollars

So you’ve got some extra cash in the bank. Congratulations! Are you going to buy a frontline Carnival costume? A top of the line cell phone? Maybe make a down payment on a new car? We’re not saying you shouldn’t treat yourself. But you should also consider investing. Sure, that may not be fun […]